What 3 Things…?

Mike Clark and What 3 Things....

The human brain loves simplicity.  Things of 3 are often referred to as the combination - your brain can hold 3 things in short term memory easily - we tend to think and remember things in 3’s (Test this out with how you remember your phone number). 3 is also the minimum number to make a pattern and your brain loves patterns.

Work with this.

Plan in 3’s. 

What 3 wins will make this week successful?

What 3 initiatives will drive your business forward?

What 3 actions will strengthen your relationships?

What are the 3 most important things in your life? Stay clear on your top 3. The rest is just noise. Prioritise these always and results will come.

You can expand the 3 by 3:

What 3 actions will improve your health? - Eat healthy food, stay hydrated and exercise.

Eat healthy food - buy healthy food, make it easy to eat well, pre-plan your meals

Stay hydrated - buy a bottle you will like to use, keep it close and sip often, refill frequently

Exercise - pick an exercise/sport you can stick to, lock it into your routine, get a coach/training partner

You can use this concept of 3 in simple ways as well. When communicating, keep your points to a maximum of 3. Break big tasks into 3 smaller steps. Drop a short message to 3 people who mean something to you.

How will you use the power of 3?


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