Your Chance To Take The Lead?

In New Zealand we have reached the marvelous milestone of 0 cases of Covid-19 and now we are in Level 1 living on the "New Normal". For many businesses, the last 2 months have seen a slowdown in business and sales and motivation to get things done. The speed with which one can get off the starting blocks and move forward will be a huge determining factor on your future place in the market.

It’s time to get urgent - smart urgent! The goal is not to fall into the trap of busyness but to focus on being effective in business. If you want to lead your goal needs to be speed! There is always so much that needs to be done in business. Now is the time to pick the 2 to 3 key things that you know will make a difference and help you to move ahead. (If you are not sure which 2-3 things could help you move ahead and capture market share try doing a competitor analysis and/or using something like BCG matrix and/or Ansoff matrix).

With this absolute clarity, share the share this goal with the team and create a 30 day sprint. The 30-day sprint should look at:

  • what steps need to be done

  • what decisions need to be made

  • who needs to do it by when

When we work back from a desired goal and break down the key elements to achieve an outcome, it helps to allocate

  • the best person to each action

  • when they will have it completed by

  • what completed actually looks like

  • what needs to happen next

  • who will do that next step

When you're aiming to take the lead, the key thing to focus on is moving fast. Aim for productivity before perfection. You can always tweak, change and adjust as you go. This is where culture can make a huge difference. When you have a culture that focuses forward, focuses on the positive, looks for the opportunity and can fail forward, you are in a strong position to outpace your competitors. So many people are looking at all the things that are wrong with the economy and with the government and this focus sucks their energy and time.

As a business, celebrate the new opportunities that are being created daily by the constant change that is happening, create a mindset that looks at the new changes and says "How can we make the best of this?" (rather than "oh woe is me" attitude).

Celebrate successes! You get more of what you focus on - so focus on what you want more of and reinforce the positive.

Mike Clark
Mike is an exceptional communicator and has a proven track record of working with businesses to achieve their goals and reach the next level in business performance. His action bias and absolute commitment to producing results along with his engaging personality make him a sought after training facilitator. Working internationally, Mike is based in Palmerston North (the most beautiful city in the world!) writing and delivering courses and training with clarity and insight which produce definable results for the businesses he works with.

A Different Perspective


The Power of Consistency