Embracing Change

Mike Clark + Embracing Change

Change is hard.

Choosing our hard is often the difference between success and failure. One only has to look at the tendency for procrastination to realise the lengths people go to to avoid the emotionally tough and difficult challenges that life presents. Another reason change is hard is because we can become emotionally attached to what has worked in the past and suffer from all sorts of human biases including sunk cost fallacy, anchoring bias and confirmation bias.

Change is also inevitable.

The only constant in life is change.

How you respond to change determines the results you get.

As you look ahead at this year, what might you be hanging on to because the familiar is comfortable?

Have you considered what you actually want from the coming year in all aspects of your life? 

On the personal front, what do you want for your health, relationships, finances, friendships, hobbies, holidays, etc.

For your work, what do you want for your sales, your product development, your marketing, your team culture, strategy and which market and customers you want to serve?

Get clarity on what you want because clarity provokes action. 

Reflect to move forward smarter, with more purpose and intentionality. Try one of these 3 tools to reflect on last year and create an action plan for a better year ahead:

  • Start Stop Continue - Considering where you want to go, look back and consider what do you need to start doing, stop doing and continue doing in order to achieve your goals.
    Remember - “What got you here, won’t get you there.”

  • Mad Sad Glad - Uncover tensions in life and work. Similar to the above, this takes an emotive lens. Consider: What drove you crazy? What experiences disappointed you? What wins put a smile on your face?
    Remember - “Focus on what you can control and let go of what you can’t.”

  • Liked, Learned, Lacked, Longed For (4Ls) - mixes the previous examples, looking at what made you glad that you should continue to do more of; what you learnt that you should stop or start; what you lacked that you need to resource or create; and what you long for that will pull you forward.
    Remember - “Life keeps teaching until you're ready to take the next step forward.”

Make this year incredible!



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