Create Your Own Path

Mike Clark + Create Your Own Path

There is so much talk of dreaming big. Following your passion and doing what brings you joy. What happens when that all just seems overwhelming? When you’ve tried things before and fallen flat on your face? When ‘Reality’ has a different ending to the one you had hoped for? What about when everything is so busy that you don’t even have time to think, never mind dream and reflect?

Obstacles are inevitable. I remember reading a comment that ‘failures’ and obstacles occurred to test your resolve for success. I was both challenged and inspired one day when a client of mine was reflecting on losing a key team member. They were understandably frustrated. He vented for a few minutes, paused, then proclaimed “Right that's all over. I’ve had my 2 minute pity party. There will be someone better around the corner.” Turns out he was right. Over the years I have seen this play out again and again.

Mental fortitude is important if you are to tackle anything important in your life. Being able to frame what is happening in the present moment in context helps your internal dialogue not to fall off the cliff, catastrophizing a specific occurrence. Do you have patterns of thinking that create pathways in your mind to keep you on track?

I have found repeating certain truths to myself to be useful.

  1. Remember failure is not fatal and your past does not equal your future

  2. If you don’t succeed, ensure you learn. 

  3. Focus on what is in your control. Energy flows where you focus goes so focus on what you want more of.

Sometimes failures, doubts and fears can be so loud in your head it drowns out your true potential and reduces your self image and self-esteem. This can paralyse you if you let it. I remember my Nana reflecting on a lesson she felt she had learnt too late in life. She shared that she had held back on ambitions and wasted so much energy worrying about what people thought of her throughout her life and it was only when she was in her 70’s she realised no one was thinking about her because they were all too busy living their own lives and caught up in their own worlds and imaginations. 

How do you manage yourself when a set back occurs? Asking people around you for feedback can help increase your self-awareness levels. It can show how honest you are with yourself as well as reveal the impact you are having on those around you. The pathway to achieving your dreams is rarely ever straight. Expect setbacks, pitfalls, failures and challenges. Have a strategy for when these occur. When you dream bigger than your present circumstance, it's inspirational to look at similar other people who have persevered and succeeded. It can also be a great idea to get a mentor or coach who guides you and will believe in you more than you can believe in yourself. Like a PT at a gym, they push you harder and further than you will often push yourself.

What do you need to take yourself to the next level?


Success Is…


Being Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable