7 Essential Questions

Mike Clark + 7 Essential Questions

7 Questions for 1:1 Meetings

Champions in every arena have coaches — people who give guidance and feedback.

I love reminding people - "The speed of feedback equals the speed of success."

Ken Blanchard is often quoted , “Feedback is the breakfast of champions."
Tony Robbins observes that "Success leaves clues." 

1-1’s help your team get the feedback and uncover the clues they need to succeed!
Key Questions to Reflect On:

  • When was the last time you provided feedback to your team?

  • Do you expect your team to read your mind and "just know" what needs to be done?

  • Do your team members know if you're pleased with their work?

  • Does each team member understand what "winning" looks like every day in their role?

Get the most from 1:1’s - Be consistent!

 It's vital that you don’t miss your weekly/fortnightly/monthly 1:1 sessions with your team. If you do, the underlying message becomes, "other things are more important than your people."

It is better not to start doing 1-1’s than to start and not prioritise them.

1:1 Weekly Session Format

Use these seven foundational questions to guide your 1:1 meetings:

  1. How are you doing?
    Focus: See the individual person and check in on their well-being. This need not take long but prioritises the person and shows you understand they are more than just their role at work.

  2. Are you winning?
    Focus: Ask for data or KPIs to understand their performance. This ensures they know what winning looks like, are keeping score and helps them take ownership for their outcomes.

  3. What are your roadblocks?
    Focus: Identify and remove any obstacles hindering their performance. Removing roadblocks is the role of management.

  4. What is your focus for the coming week?
    Focus: Ensure alignment and set clear goals. Another way to ask is, “What 3 things will you need to achieve this week to feel like you have won at the end of the week?”

  5. Are you using your strengths?

Focus: Are they doing what they naturally find intuitive and enjoyable. When people work to their strengths they are more engaged, productive and happier at work

  1. What could I improve as a manager/leader?

Focus: Showing a willingness to receive feedback and learn helps you develop and, by being open to input, you foster a culture of trust, openness and growth   

  1. Anything else?
    Focus: This is a great catch-all question to address any concerns or additional points that might not have been covered. (Tip: Pause after asking this - some people need time to think before responding.)

Regular 1:1’s enable you to coach your team to excel

— Mike




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