#251 What A Journey! An Appreciation Post

Without you, these videos would have no point. Together, we've negotiated the journey 2020 has been. As the year draws to an end, remember what has carried you through, appreciate those who have worked to bring you this far, and look forward to what can be achieved together next year! The Think Right team wish you peace, safety and joy through the Christmas season and look forward to helping you onward in your journey in 2021! Here's to your success!

Link to Wistia Video here


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Mike Clark
Mike is an exceptional communicator and has a proven track record of working with businesses to achieve their goals and reach the next level in business performance. His action bias and absolute commitment to producing results along with his engaging personality make him a sought after training facilitator. Working internationally, Mike is based in Palmerston North (the most beautiful city in the world!) writing and delivering courses and training with clarity and insight which produce definable results for the businesses he works with.

#252 Culture - Blending Worlds


#250 Customer Service - Thanking Your Customers