Take Stock and Focus on What You Want More Of

What are you currently focused on?

What will this year bring for you?

Have you made plans?

When being trained to drive at high speeds one of the key teachings is that you need to focus on where you want to go.  Have you ever thought it peculiar that so many people who have car accidents will land up hitting a tree or a lone power pole or street sign?  The reason given for this is that under pressure people tend to focus on what they don't want to hit and, tragically, land up steering their out of control vehicle into the very obstacle they don't want to hit.  Training teaches you to keep your eyes fixed on where you want to go as you are much more likely to then align the steering wheel with that path. (As an aside, following the tragic road toll this summer, I encourage people to book in for driving lessons at places like Mansfield Driving Academy) 

Life is much the same - energy flows where your focus goes and therefore as you plan for this year ahead make sure that your focus is on what you want more of. There is plenty of news and noise attempting to get you to focus on all that is scary, might be wrong and the negative happening around us. It takes deliberate effort to refocus and stay focused.

Every year at the start of our Christmas break, I uninstall social media apps associated with work and any news apps that I have on my phone.  The world keeps on turning and life continues all without my diligent focus and following and, as I discover when I reinstall the apps, it does not change much. I am particularly struck this year at just how much bad news there is and negative opinions and strongly emotive articles all focusing on energy draining topics. A number of years ago I noticed how often I would read and check the news and the gradual negative impact it had on my outlook and opinion. That was the first year I uninstalled the apps over my Christmas break and the following year limited myself to only checking the news once a day to ensure I was current with events that could impact my clients. The difference was huge. Our reality is defined by our attention. Your choices will influence what kind of a year you have.

Choose to focus on what is right. More than that, choose to focus on what you are strong at. This year our focus is going to revolve around focusing on strengths. Every business, team and individual has strengths. Culturally the NZ “Tall Poppy Syndrome” does not encourage people to give much attention to what is right with them. Add to this the tendency to undervalue something that we find natural or easy for us - often without realising how valuable it is. Maybe you meet and connect with people easily, find financial figure work enjoyable, love having creative ideas and discussions, enjoy public speaking - whatever it is, has value.

Make time this week to take stock (maybe using a classic SWOT analysis - making a list of your Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats) and then with this in mind consider where you want to be as a business, with your team and individually. Making resolutions and plans once you’re clear where you currently are helps to then set the next step(s) greatly increasing your likelihood of success.

Mike Clark
Mike is an exceptional communicator and has a proven track record of working with businesses to achieve their goals and reach the next level in business performance. His action bias and absolute commitment to producing results along with his engaging personality make him a sought after training facilitator. Working internationally, Mike is based in Palmerston North (the most beautiful city in the world!) writing and delivering courses and training with clarity and insight which produce definable results for the businesses he works with.

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