Streamline the Frontline

Businessman shows tablet to businesswoman

An insightful quote the Navy seals use as a mantra is “Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.” As someone who loves to GSD “Get Stuff Done” I tend to move as quickly as I can. I see fast as good. This quote was a real challenge. I mulled over it for a number of days not wanting it to be right and being unable to deny the truth within it.  Fast is good when you don’t have to go back and fix stuff you missed. Fast is good when it does not cause a ripple effect of unnecessary work for other people.  Fast is good when you can do it once and do it right. It is the classic case of slowing down to speed up.

 When looking to ‘smooth’ a process out, the best place to start is by asking your team where the ‘road bumps’ are. Unearthing the niggles and frustrations, the mumblings and grumblings is not usually hard to do. The effort is required to fix it. To push through the “we’ve always done it that way” mentality. To embed a new and better way of doing things requires time, patience, and a willingness to challenge the status quo.

Slowing down to examine the existing process is, at first, counterintuitive, especially when faced with deadlines and the need for quick results. When you take the time to identify the inefficiencies and obstacles that are slowing your processes down, you create an opportunity for smoother and more effective workflow.

Your team has a wealth of knowledge and experience which you can tap into.  Engage with those on the front lines of your business; those who run into the trials and challenges firsthand.  Their insight and perspective is invaluable in deciding which areas are best to work on. By collaborating with them in an open and non-judgmental way, you encourage a sense of ownership among your team as they actively work towards developing a better future.

When you have identified the pain points, work carefully with the team to develop sustainable change that addresses the true cause of the road-bumps. You might have to redesign a process, purchase new technology or invest in training for your team. By identifying the major issues, prioritising the urgent, and intentionally crafting solutions, you create streamlined and efficient workflow. Who doesn’t want the rewards of reclaimed time, less frustration, and better productivity? What actions do you need to take today to start smoothing your process?


Frontline Dichotomy


“Let Your Fingers Do The Walking”