Keep Your Pipeline Pumping!

Having worked through the Drive Sales Culture program you ideally should have in place a sales process that is measurable and that your team understands. The sales process should clearly outline what steps you go through, and the timings in and between each step, as well as your expected conversion ratios.  These look at mechanics of a sales process. When a whole organisation is commonly aligned and driven to serve customers, we should see departments working well together, creating great experiences both internally and externally.

This fluidity and focus is further enhanced when we leverage off satisfied clients to build a continual stream of qualified leads. With this mindset we will create a highly sustainable and healthy sales pipeline. Some businesses are able to create a product or service that their client base can subscribe to on a regular basis; for example gym subscriptions, subscription apps and accounting firms. Is there something you could offer your clients that they would be prepared to pay a small amount every month to enjoy the privilege of receiving and using?

Another way of keeping your sales pipeline healthy is to make the request for referrals, the capturing of testimonials, and the writing up of case studies into an integral part of your whole sales process. This has multiple benefits: the people who know and trust you become your reference point when speaking with potential new clients. When intentionally focused on, referrals can provide some of the highest quality leads and by making the collecting of referrals part of your process, this can become a self-perpetuating stream of leads. 

Testimonials allow highly targeted marketing to people who face similar challenges and want similar outcomes to our clients. Case studies can take this to the next level and equip the marketing and sales teams with collateral to both approach and discuss with potential new clients results previously achieved.  Much like regular exercise and a good diet keep a human body in good shape, the practice of referrals, testimonials and case studies can do the same for your pipeline. Have you got these fundamentals in place to ensure the ongoing sustainable health of your sales pipeline?

Mike Clark
Mike is an exceptional communicator and has a proven track record of working with businesses to achieve their goals and reach the next level in business performance. His action bias and absolute commitment to producing results along with his engaging personality make him a sought after training facilitator. Working internationally, Mike is based in Palmerston North (the most beautiful city in the world!) writing and delivering courses and training with clarity and insight which produce definable results for the businesses he works with.

Referrals - To Pay or Not to Pay


Sustain for the Long Term