Dead Cows & Elephants

When working with business owners and management teams I often come across situations that need to be addressed but are rather ‘touchy’. A project that needs to be shelved rather than sinking further resources into it; a team that is under performing and creating conflict rather than lifting performance, discussing trivial things well but ignoring key strategic decisions. Anyone who has been in a similar situation can probably relate to the common analogies of the “elephant” or “dead cow” in the room. There is a big, obvious challenge/problem that the team has, but, for whatever reason, the team does not want to/is not able/willing to address it.  This “ostrich with their head in the sand” approach is damaging and can be the undoing of a business if not addressed.

There are many reasons why this happens. The top 3 reasons I have encountered are: 

1) People have tried tackling it before and nothing changes so they become apathetic.

2) The topic is a ‘hot button’ for a team member(s) and no one is willing to deal with the emotional tidal wave the topic brings up. 

3) It has been an issue for so long people stop seeing it and/or accept it as an unchangeable and inevitable part of reality that they just have to live with.

A confronting truth about life is that nothing changes if nothing changes. Not addressing the issue does not make it go away. Much like the allegorical smell of an unattended dead cow in a room or the growing pile of elephant dung - the avoidance starts to permeate every part of the business. It pollutes the culture and can be seen in various guises like people pleasing, conflict avoidance, systems of double standards and a lack of execution.

This is primarily a leadership issue. For whatever reason people do not feel safe to address the ‘elephant’. The ability to point it out, define it and quantify it is half the battle. Steps to consider:

Decide you want positive change and make it safe for people to express how they feel this can be achieved

Stay factual. Keep calm. Focus on the problem(s). Get clear on what exactly is the real issue. Clarity helps you attack problems not people.

Discuss and capture the various ways the problem can be solved. Review the options (using Pros & Cons list if necessary) and choose the best option

Follow through until the ‘elephant/dead cow’ has been removed. (The will require dedication, wise pacing and FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Successful!)

Agree on cultural standard and have a game plan to ensure future elephants and cows stay outside and what will happen if any happen to find their way back into the team rooms!

While relatively simple the above steps are not necessarily easy. Remember anything worth having initially requires effort. What area do you need to address?


Mike Clark
Mike is an exceptional communicator and has a proven track record of working with businesses to achieve their goals and reach the next level in business performance. His action bias and absolute commitment to producing results along with his engaging personality make him a sought after training facilitator. Working internationally, Mike is based in Palmerston North (the most beautiful city in the world!) writing and delivering courses and training with clarity and insight which produce definable results for the businesses he works with.

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