Best Version of Yourself

Pick 3 words that describe you at your best self.

Set a daily alarm on your phone with these 3 words and when it goes off use the opportunity to check in with yourself if you are thinking, speaking and acting in line with these attributes. 

This is a simple, yet great tool for facilitating higher performance. (Oh and it is very challenging as well!

As part of my continual development I recently completed a High Performance Coaching certification. It was intensive. It was next level and exceeded my expectations.  Always a good thing when one invests a lot into something and commits to 4:00am mornings for a week (thanks to the session being run on Zoom in California!) 

On the one hand there was nothing “new” and, on the other, the format, structure and deep questioning was insightful, positively challenging and powerful. Often it is not what we are taught or asked but how.  

In my training I often use the analogy of being a thermostat or a thermometer. Thermometers read the temperature and a thermostat sets the temperature. Some people are like thermometers - every conversation they go into they adjust themselves to match the tone and character of the conversation. If it is miserable and negative they will add to the conversation with their take on the topic at hand. They often then feel down and negative. If the conversation happens to be a good conversation then they feel uplifted. A thermostat on the other hand sets the temperature. People like this understand that where they focus their words and energy will lead others to do the same. Be it a positive or negative focus and energy. 

Most people can relate to working with somebody and doing the daily check as they watch the person arrive to see which version of them is coming to work -  the grumpy version, the happy version, the angry and irritated version, etc. Working with people like this is exhausting. The analogy of ‘walking on eggshells’ is often used. 

Which version of you do you choose to bring to work, home, sports, church or social group? You have a choice. It starts by deciding ‘who’ we will be when we get out of bed each morning. It is easy to get swept up in the negativity that swirls around us. There is a lot we can do to ensure the best of us arises every day. From choosing what we read, watch and listen to before bed and when we arise. Watching our thoughts and words and our attitudes - e.g. The attitude that I “have to” go to work as opposed to “I get to go to work”. I like the simple challenge of the “ 3 words” - much like a thermostat it allows you to have a point of regulation, a set point of how you will behave and who you want to be. When we are clear on who we want to be then we can focus on being that person every day and that is who we will become!

What are your 3 words? Set an alarm and set forth the best of you everyday!

Mike Clark
Mike is an exceptional communicator and has a proven track record of working with businesses to achieve their goals and reach the next level in business performance. His action bias and absolute commitment to producing results along with his engaging personality make him a sought after training facilitator. Working internationally, Mike is based in Palmerston North (the most beautiful city in the world!) writing and delivering courses and training with clarity and insight which produce definable results for the businesses he works with.

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